So Lo, the love of my life, comes into the bedroom, sees our new headboard for the very first time, laughs out loud and promptly exclaims: “A Space Invader headboard!!! It’s awesome!”
Really? Space Invaders? Space Invaders?!!!
And then he says: “Now we’ll never have to worry about alien abduction.”
Honestly, down deep inside, I am less than impressed by these comments. Not exactly what I was going for. I feel they make fun of my brilliant/amazing/unique/wonderful work-of-art-headboard. I mean, I know it’s made of metal juice lids which I’ve furiously collected over the past ten years and all… And, yes, okay, a metal juice lid headboard may be a little bit out there. So what was I expecting, eh?
I guess I want him to love it.
The thing is, he’s dead on. It does look like Space Invaders. It looks exactly like frickin’ Space Invaders.
So then I sit back to consider this turn of events. Okay sure. I made a Space Invader headboard for our grownup master bedroom. But so what? My husband, Lo, loved playing Space Invaders when he was a kid. He loooved it! So I’m going to take his COMMENT and turn it into a COM-pli-MENT.
That’s right, I’ve decided to love my Space Invader headboard too.
So there.
bookkm says
Yes. I think it's awesome. So, there. says
Thanks for your solidarity, Bookkm. Most appreciated. 🙂
Cathy says
Oh yay! So glad you do Cathy! 🙂
jessica okui says
So fun! says
Hee hee, thanks Jessica. 🙂
Karen says
I have to admit when I first started reading this post, I thought it was for The Boy. I think it is even more amazing since it is for the grownups! I can't imagine the work it took to get all those circles lined up so perfectly. Another Michelle Masterpiece! says
It did take a bit of work. But I really love it now. Thanks Karen!
Carol- Beads and Birds says
I think its cool. No one else has one!! You just never know what you will see on this blog!! But I must admit that I had a fleeting thought of how many nail holes you will have to fill when you change the scene!! says
True true. There will be nail holes, but only very very tiny ones. So I'm not worried. Thanks for the visit Carol!