I made a couple tweeks to the blog last week, did you see? The most obvious change being the header. It’s nice to freshen things up around here every now and again, and you know, move the furniture around? So while I was doing that, I thought it might be fun to take a look back at the many and various headers that have topped this blog over the last two years. A header-rospective if you will… Chortle.
I create my simple headers in Photoshop using photos of my various projects and fonts I like. Here they all are!
Header #1. This one featured the hand-painted first page of my “idea” notebook in which I jot down all my crafty brain waves and the font Zapfino which I had a fondness for at the time. It’s fun to look back through that notebook… I’m still using that very one today.
Love all your headers including the latest!
I didn’t save my blogheaders, cause I import just a picture in the header box.
Which is peculiar as part of my graphic design work is web design…
Sometimes simplicity is refreshing too though Nicolette, so I can see why you would go that route.
Your new header is beautiful, Michele. I love all of your headers, though 🙂 I like tinkering with my blog from time to time. I love how you called it "moving the furniture around". Perfect description!
Thanks Gwen, it's fun to see them all in one post. I remember really disliking some of the headers, particularly the very first one. But you know what? It wasn't that bad now that I look back at it… Strange eh?
Your new header is lovely!!
I tried once to make mine … as I´m really a … with designing such stuff my header is still the same … but it surely needs new furniture. Can you tell me, how "big" yours is, like pixel x pixel??? I cannot get the right size, always too high, or too small …. 🙂
Thanks Monika. Sure no problem! My present header is 950 px wide by 275 px tall… It has ranged between 660 px wide all the way to 1000 px wide depending on how wide my blog outer wrapper and header wrapper are. In other words, if I choose to make my outer wrapper and header wrapper 950 px wide, then I make my header 950 px as well for consistency.
If you look in your blog's html, you can find out how wide your blog header wrapper and outer wrapper are, and go from there.
Does this help? Hope so. If you have any more questions, shoot me another email!
Good Morning Michelle Sweetie…
Here comes the sun. How beautiful is your new header.
I love it. It will brighter up my day each and every
time I pop over. Thanks for sharing.
All of your headers are delightful. I loved seeing the
time through each change. It is like moving furniture.
I love changing mine with the seasons as well.
Have a glorious day sweet friend. Many country hugs, Sherry
Hi Sherry, thanks for the sweet comment. I've consistently gone back to the sun theme. It makes me happy so why not, eh?
They are all fun! I haven't changed my header in over a year, but I used to. Perhaps after the biggest creation is done…
You've got a ton on your plate right now Chris. I totally understand not having the time to bother with headers!
Your blog always looks lovely and fresh Michele and all of your blog headers are beautiful and all the more so because you designed them!
I'd love to change my header, but I've only done it once before and am afraid I'd mess it up!
I think the best idea is to have a test blog to play with that is based on the same template as your actual blog. That way you can play around with designs and changes on the test blog before attempting to make changes on your actual blog.
I admire your re-freshening each time you do it! I am always scared to try any changes, whenever I do I mess something up or lose something. Last week I tried to figure out dynamic views and lost my entire customized format. Bleah! You are more of a techie than you know!
Ya, those dynamic views are tricky for sure. I have stayed away from those because I'm scared… But like I suggested to Sherry, you may want to give the test blog idea a whirl.
I love your new header! I'm working on a blog redesign and move to squarespace and trying to build a new header – my lack of skills with photo software isn't make the process simple though 🙂 But at least I'm learning by doing!
It really is amazing how much you learn by doing… If you got someone else to do it, you wouldn't get the benefit of all that mental exercise! Plus it's empowering and just makes you want to try other fun stuff. Good for you Adina Marguerite!
Your header is "simply beautiful". I messed with mine recently and finally decided it was okay. I am not computer savy enough to make many changes. I do APPRECIATE those of you who are! Thanks for always sharing your great ideas.
I'm lucky to have a tech-savvy husband and he held my hand through the first few header and design iterations. Now I do everything by myself but I don't know if I'd be as confident had he not been there at first…
Love all your headers Michele!
I messed up with the htmls twice or thrice and it was very exhausting. I do not change it that often. Although a change is much appreciated. If I find the strength ….
I do admire the lovely blog designs and the changes, your headings are brilliant.
Sadly I'm not very good at working out how to change things and daren't alter my blog in case I then manage to lose everything!
I've even got a problem uploading photos from my SD card!
I shall just have to continue sighing over all the amazing blogs I visit.
Carol xx
Just wanted to back and say that I nominated you for the Versitile Blogger Award here; http://glutenfreetravelette.blogspot.com/. Just a fun award to shine some light on some great high-quality new-to-me blogs!
Thanks Adina Marguerite, that's very kind of you!
The new header is adorable!
Yes I did notice the changes. I wish I had photoshop to do some creating for my blog but will have to settle with the free online photo editing sites for now. I do like changing around my blog but haven't had much time lately to do much. Like how you change your profile picture every now and then too.
I like updating the photo on occasion so that you can get a feel for who I am physically, and to help bridge the gap between us.
I really like the recurring sunburst motif! And the 3D effect of this latest header makes for great visual impact. 🙂
Yes…I love tinkering!