This post was originally part of Home Spun – Threads’ Summer Soirée: Craft Camp for Kids. I’m re-posting it here now and including it in Series 6: The Box Chain. In today’s tutorial, I actually show you how to make the chains step-by-step. Exciting stuff. I hadn’t done that before. But here ’tis . Hopefully any questions you may have had about the box chains will be clarified (although I do think you know how to make these already).
- junk mail and/or old gift wrap
- brown craft paper (or any large flexible paper; newspaper works great)
- pair of scissors
- ruler
- PVA glue/glue stick

15. Cut out a piece of craft paper to fit around your child’s head adding 3 inches (7.5 cm) for an overlap. We made ours 24 inches (60 cm) long by 9 inches (23 cm) wide. Fold the craft paper in half lengthwise. Apply glue between the layers leaving 3 inches (7.5 cm) at both ends free of glue.
This is amazing,very cute,if we change the measurements so we can also make a cute bracelet with the help of this tutorial 🙂
Thanks my dear,
The hat is fab fab fab! Fit for the King of Summer Madness. Thanks for the tute, Michele, and I love the shot showing the clothespins – what a perfect easy mini-clamp!!!
Your Tuts are so good Michele and these are wonderful too x
Perfectly regal.
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [31 May 02:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
thanks for the tutorial! i like it very much. kisses
bego (baulartesanodebego) blogger hate me, ja, ja…
This is awesome! I want to do a version of it for my oldest! We need a crafty project for the summer!
Funny! 🙂
Love it!
Fantastic! I was looking for something in wreath design that was unusual but not actually too difficult. This is exactly right for me. Thanks so much for sharing!