Hi there.
How’ve you been?
Oh good.
I took a bloggy break there eh? I’ve literally been away from this little place for a whole seven days… It went by like the wind. Been busy. I’m riding a learning curve the last little while. Learning all kinds of good stuff. Over the last week I’ve been focussing on video editing. In the not-too-distant future, my hope is to offer a mini-online class. The ability to edit video will go a long way in making that a reality, so I’ve been practicing practicing practicing like a little fiend.
Below is my very first 100%-Michele-made video! (Lo pretty much edited the first two. I pretty much just plied him with coffee…) This time, though, it was ALL me. Granted, it’s not as polished as a Lo-made video, but you know what? That’s okay. I’m a beginner right? Stephen Spielberg needn’t fear for his job just yet. Still, I’m pleased with my maiden effort. The notion that I have the skills (sorta) to make a movie from start to finish is a little bit exhilarating, you know? Movies! I can make movies!!!
Anyway, blabber blabber blabber… Just show the darn video Michele.
Okay, okay. Here it is: My “Egg Carton Gift Bow Video Tutorial”!
Kinda similar to the last video, eh? I’m making a gift bow video series apparently, tee hee. If you’re fond of recycled gift bow ideas there are a few more here, here and here. For a slew of other egg carton crafts, click here.
Michele, I LOVE it!! The egg carton bow is a fantastic solution for gift wrapping and decorating! I let me just say your video is awesome!!
Lovely! Thanks so much for the inspiration!
Wow, you're the best!!! Love it, so simple and yet so lovely. Your video is just ***** 😉
So very pretty – you are on a roll girl (or woman? – at what age does it change?)
Fan freaking tastic, Michele! The bow is so simple, but looks so complex. Kinda the opposite of the video! I know it was complex to make, but you made it look easy. Fabulous job!
BRAVO! Great job on the video, and the bow, too! You are amazing!
Wow, this is amazing. Wonderful creativity and execution!
I'm impressed Michele! Great work on the editing. I definitely want to learn more with the videos – just need a little time again!! Love this little egg carton flower – I might try these with my girls!
LOVE IT!!!!!
you did a good job Michele!!!!! BRAVA!!!!!
xxxxx Ale
You did a great job with the video.
Well done, its delightful and such a cute idea for a gift decoration. I really like that you made it a tag too, so the flower can be kept afterwards, nice idea that.
Jude Hill and Karen Ruane to name but two, seem to make video teaching tutorials a financial reward so hope you too can be turn it to your advantage!
You have a lovely voice for the medium too!
Very nice. What an adorable gift bow. Nice voice.
Muito bom! Muito bom! Muito bom!
Eu não entendo inglês e aprendi tudo, direitinho! Parabéns, seu video está muito bom!
Adoro este seu artesanato com caixas de ovos!
Continue em frente!
Um abraço!
You make this seem so easy! Love your video and watching gave me a much better understanding about working with the material. My first go was not wonderful!!! But now i see why!
The "gift bow" is beautiful, Michele.
Great video…well done! Brave too for breaking into video how-tos… 🙂
What a lovely video! You did a great job!!!
Love it!!!!
This is so creative! Love recycling materials. Thanks for sharing.