Over the March Break, The Boy had a chance to create some really fun art work. One of the things he made, the following kid craft, was directly inspired by the work of art teacher, Christie, and the kids she teaches. Her blog, Fine Lines, is one we both enjoy perusing.
Using Christie’s Pattern Pathways as a jumping off point, The Boy created his funky “Robot Maze”. He started with two sheets of 8-1/2″x 11″ printer paper, and cut each into 6 small rectangles. He built his “robot” from the resulting 12 rectangles, and concocted his continuous maze first in pencil and then in marker. He then added colour to the snakey bits of the maze in colourful marker. And finally, he painted the outside of the maze with cake paint.
Once the paintings were dry, we placed them under a stack of books to flatten out the wrinkles. His Robot Maze is displayed proudly on our kitchen cabinets.
It’s an organic looking sort of robot, isn’t it? Pretty cool, I think.
Thank you Christie for the flow of art ideas for children. I want you to know that we love and appreciate your talent and hard work.
P.S. In the next post, I’ll be asking you to fill out a 5 question survey. I need your excellent input on a few things and thought a little survey might just do the trick! Until then?
He certainly inherited your talent!
Amazing piece by all means!
It's a wonderful piece. I love seeing the way children just explore and enjoy the experience without having it be right or wrong. fearless.
It is wild and ricjly detailed – so many varied patterns! Next he'll be designing a quilt for you to make. I love your appreciative shout-out to Christie. She sounds like one great teacher and a beautiful person to have in your boy's life.
Richly. Heh.
WOW!! Your little guy has been keeping busy. Thank you so much for sharing his creation. I am always happy to hear that kids have taken what we do in class to a new level at home!! Please tell your son how much I enjoyed seeing his maze!!
So wonderfully creative! I think Ontario is the only place where it's called March Break – I have had to retrain myself to call it Spring Break but I slip and call it March Break a fair bit. 🙂
oooh! a shape-shifting octopus robot!
such a cool project!
It's incredible!
Oh this is so great! It reminds me of the game, "Hiss".
Your son did an awesome job.
Very creative. It beats having kids spending hours on the computer playing games. Your son did great!
Very nice maze, we love doodling this way ! Thanks for this great idea.
Ciao Michele, sono contenta di conoscerti ,io amo il riciclo creativo e tra le tue pagine ci sono un'infinità di ispirazioni …grazie per la condivisione
So cool and yes, organic isthe word …. and it could work with fabrics and couched yarns surely?
And your next challenge could be to prove it lolol
Very cool artwork, and the Boy is growing nicely, too.
This is so awesome! He did a great job. What a fun thing to do during Spring Break!
Good to see a mom perusing creative blog sites w/ her featherless biped offspring. Awesome in fact.
I love how it looks…and I love the joy in his expression.