If you lived here, you’d know that having a clean workroom is more exciting than it sounds. Let’s just say, my workroom was in “a state” up until a few days ago. I’ve spent the better part of two weeks wrangling it into something worth showing you. Don’t you remember? It was only last year that I told you I’d give you a tour eventually.
FYI: For future reference, the definition of “eventually” is 11 months.
In retrospect, I blame my messiness (far too embarrassing for before-pictures) on the darkness down here. There is nary a window in my little space, you see. Any craft project photo has to be taken in daylight which means hauling the project upstairs where the sun lives, taking the picture, and hauling everything back down again. Such a hassle. After awhile, except to get the occasional supply or add to the growing morass, I stopped working down here altogether.
Problem is, because I gave up on the basement workroom, my craft stuff was scattered all over creation. The basement was the dumping ground, yes. But I used the dining room table as my craft table, I used the living room as my computer desk, I used the couch as my quilting space. In short, there was craft-related stuff everywhere and because there was craft-related stuff everywhere I was forever in a craft-related frame of mind. I couldn’t get away from it, you know? I felt the tug constantly, even when my family was around. It was like being in permanent limbo: never knowing when to stop working and when to start not working. That’s one of the reasons I took August off. I needed to find a healthier division between work and family time again.
I look around the room today and I feel okay to let you in. I still have a whole slew of loose ends to tie up (not the least of which is possibly painting the shelves and the whole lighting issue… ) but isn’t that always the way of things?
Without further ado, here it is: my basement workroom. Welcome!
P.S. By the way, when Lo and I bought this little house, the basement was a useless mess of fake brown panelling, exposed cinder blocks, wicked-scary wiring, and yucky old carpet. We’ve since ripped everything out, installed a beautiful new laundry room, and created this work space. Lo also built me the shelving unit. We’re not quite done yet… Hello? I need trim! As usual, we hope to get it done soon…
Wonderful dear Michele, your craft room basement seems heaven! OMG…Well done 🙂 I just Love your organized way for huge crafty mess..Love it..
And all the best for your future plans 🙂
Oh wow Michele, you’ve built yourself a wonderful craft space/workroom! Such a great idea to take off the month of August to set this goal and to get the crafty mess organized!
Did you consider to buy some daylight lamps? My LQS uses them in the shop and the class room and it’s not a cosy light but you can see everything really clearly!
I can so relate to having projects laying around all over the house! I really need to take off a month to get my crafty mess organized!
Happy weekend!
You already inspired me with all you're colouring idea's, I even followed you're August break….. and now I should follow you're great example of rearranging my working area ( meaning cleaning up)… but…..
I am in awe. And so glad you took photos because now you will have proof that the room was once organized (snicker). Did you get get a window of sorts down there somehow? The light looks really nice in the photos. I have seen very effective fake windows in museum settings and in schools – frosted glass with special bulbs behind them. Just a thought.
Wow Michele…when can I come to play? 🙂 What a beautiful crafting space you've got now.
A x
Wow! This is marvelous! I mean if I had this room, I would. never.get.out!
You have created a wonderful nest where you can create to your heart's content!
I am still only dreaming of my BIG craft room…
Your workroom looks like heaven to me!!!! Especially now, in this moment, when it is all in perfect order. Everything has a place and everything actually is in it's place!!!
I love the open shelving making it possible to see all the bits in your stash pretty much at a glance.
Enjoy your new space!
You have most likely figured this out already, but I am going to toss it in just in case. I too find myself crafting in the dining room – such a lovely big work surface in there! But my lighting is best in my craft room so when i am working on a project that I know will require me to photograph several steps, I work on a large sturdy cardboard surface. Then as I need to photograph a step, I can pick up the whole project, leaving everything in place on the board, and move it to better lighting for it's beauty shots and back to the work area.
Very nice place to work in!!! Are you always so tidy???? ;oD
xxx Alessandra
OH – you give me hope!!
Looks like a very useful space…Bet it will be a joy to work in!
Your workroom is looking great!! I can't wait to have my sewing room all organized. Unfortunately, my real job interferes with my sewing and organizing!! I hate that! LOL!!!
Congratulations for taking the plunge and getting set up. It's really a gorgeous space. I'd love a set of beautiful french doors onto the garden from my sewing lair instead of a 2'x 1' window but hey as my son would say "that's a first world problem mom". Your space is really beautiful and I really needed your post as a little push in the right direction for me. My daughter and I are swapping lair for bedroom (yes, at almost 14 she feels ready to sleep on the ground floor while we're two floors up. Eek). She gets an extra 17 sq. ft. and I lose 'em. Yikes. Major purging required. We have 3 weeks to shovel out my junk and I'm excited/overwhelmed/paralyzed at the prospect.
Utterly envious. I have a carriage house that will "eventually" become my space for creating. This is encouraging – maybe eventually can be whittled down.
Doesn't it feel good to be all organised! It always re-energises my creative energies. Looks like a lovely large space full of crafty goodness. Thanks for sharing Michele 🙂
What a lovely space to feel creative in…and to keep the division in tasks that you crave. Congratulations!
It looks fabulous. I cleaned up mine yesterday and I feel so much better. Your creativity will soar, though yours already reaches the sky.
Michele, my situation is exactly the same, awesome if not gloomy basement craft room, everything dumped in it, upstairs every room has a sprinkling of unfinished projects. My poor family eat at one end of the Dining table whilst 50 salt dough Xmas ornaments are languishing comfortably the other end. You've inspired me to get cracking and fall back in love with my crafting space. Great post, great organisation.
Bravo pour le travail accompli !!!! ça sent la rentrée, les bonnes résolutions, tout ça …. I am in the process of tydying my workroom too .., and I tend to invade the house too …But it is nice to see all the stuff an things all neatly folded and labelled …. Je n'en suis pas encore tout à fait là , mais je vais tâcher de suivre ton good exemple …
Oh, it's lovely. So glad you cleaned up and can get to working back there again. I love working in a clean space. Makes it feel so much better. Bravo! Glad the August bread was put to such productive good use!
I had the same lighting problem as you. My husband installed 8 hanging shop lights and miracle occurred. I could see! They are inexpensive and take less electricity then regular lamps. If the stores can do it…why can't we?
Congratulations! Looks so bright and cozy. Thanks for showing what is possible, now I need to rethink my basement space like you did. So impressed by all you did!
I enjoyed this post so much, Michele, as I have been experiencing virtually the same thing since last November! I just kept working and working, creating and creating, leaving the remnants of one project to move onto a fresh space with another project. It has taken me all summer, but I almost have my basement space finished, too! I think your space is lovely, and thank you for inviting us in- now have some fabulous time creating in it!! 🙂
This looks AWESOME. Inspires me to go clean up my mess! What kind of sewing machine do you have, btw?
Hi Dixie,
The sewing machine is a circa 1970 Elna. An oldie but a goodie. Just the way I like em'. 🙂
Michele, I am so proud of you! Can't wait for the next beautiful project you create in this lovely area! It sure will help you to focus… a problem for "us" crafty ones, hee hee
Joyce from Oklahoma.
Lack of natural light is a huge deterrent to using my basement. My parents purchased me a "Happy Lite" which is a light therapy box that simulates natural sunlight. It is bright like sunlight, and it helps relieve the blues associated with lack of sunlight. Check it out!
Oo that sounds promising… Thanks Jennifer!
Wowzers! Looking good 🙂 This is inspiring. I have the same problem with my current workspace…no good for photographing and it gets neglected and piled up with supplies. One of these days I am going to get one of those Ott light bulb things and ban all craft supplies from anywhere but the workspace. We shall see… In the meantime, I'm excited to see what you will make in this new and wondrous world!
Dark or not, it looks great! I'm just a bit envious, not having a basement.