Since I lug it about hither and thither, high and low, and everywhere I go, the hexagon-quilt-in-progress-paraphernalia needed its own little carrying case.
I made one out of junk mail and an empty ice cream bucket. I cut the junk mail into hexies before mod podging them onto the bucket. It had to match the quilt, eh? Not a question.
And speaking of which:
~ Hexagon quilt coming along famously.
~ A little over half-way there.
~ Approximately 1000 more hexies left.
~ Working working.
~ Bit by itty bit.
~ Every day for 68 days now.
~ Very pleased with progress.
~ Tunnel in sight but no light yet.
Other hexagon projects: here.
You are amazing. I wouldn't have the patience to do this. I'm excited for the unveiling.
You never stop to amaze me! Love the hexie-kit and your quilt is coming together so beautifully!!
Super duper cool…
Ha! That is a worthy receptacle for the makings of this gorgeous quilt-to-be. Even better 'cause it's ice cream related. Love it, Michele!
I believe you may be making hexies in your sleep. You are whipping along so fast. Looks wonderful so far. Great idea for the container. Nice way to use junk mail too.
Vraiment superbe et très originale comme création !!!
An excellent 'chest' for the lovely hexagons!!
Great re-use re-cycle project Michele! Love it!
wonderful idea for all the project kits i like to make for myself- easy grab n go storage. thanks!
Again, wonderful and creative ways to use junk! Why not make a box for all the hexies! I love it! Way to go, Michele! Slowly, but steadily will get you to your goal. I love seeing the progress of it too!
HEXA-LICIOUS… of course!!