Sketching is something I do now and then. I had the chance to practice a little on the drive to Toronto this weekend. I like the idea of improving my skills. I learned the basics back in high school but have pretty much been at the same level ever since… A style is what I’d like to develop, you know? A certain flare. Some personality, goshdarnit! Right now, I just draw what’s there. And when I look at the finished sketch, it lacks that special je-ne-sais-quoi. Maybe what I need is more practice?…
Today’s post was inspired byย Charissa’s.
Moi j'aime beaucoup ce portrait.
Merci Nadia. ๐
Oh.. this is amazing Michele!!
It's excellent!
You're very sweet Maya, thanks!
Love your sketch! Practice makes perfect, but sometimes perfect is not the most beautiful to look at!
I learned most from sketching real life models. If you ever have a chance to take a class, or join a group, you will love it!
The last time I took an art class was 26 years ago now… Crazy. Maybe one day I will again.
Oh – I would love to draw that well…the problem is it does take practice and I have a hard enough time fitting all the life I enjoy in….
I think your work is excellent – although I do see what you mean…
Thanks Melissa, yes! There's a certain flatness and safe-ness in my sketching. I need to free it up a bit, you know? I will work on that! ๐
At least you made it to high school level. My ability is still stalled at the kindergarten level!
hee hee!
I love your sketch! I have never learned how to draw and I'm currently doing the Arthouse Co-op's Sketchbook Project – I highly recommend it as a (somewhat scary!) way to get yourself drawing and experimenting again. You can see my latest effort's in today's blog post. Let me know if you sign up! I haven't signed up for next year yet but I probably will (my current sketchbook is due to be sent off at the end of the month…)
That sounds really interesting Suki, I will definitely check your blog and the Sketchbook Project. Have a great day!
um, i am extremely impressed with your sweet sketch, michele.
have you ever tried just adding a little color? like pink to the cheeks & nose? there is an etsy artist who does this & it is so playful & breathes a little life into the otherwise monotone drawing. might be just what you are looking for:×17-couples-portrait-drawing โฅ
i like that idea. It's so simple it just might work. ๐ thanks for the link, I'll check that out!
It's funny, I look at your drawing and just adore it. All in the perspective of the viewer.
So true Christie! thanks for the sweet comment. ๐
People are so much harder for me than landscapes. I think it takes practice, but also an ability to not just reproduce the lines and shapes, but capture the light in the eyes.
it's funny you say that because I find landscapes really difficult. I get overwhelmed by all the details!
Is there no end to your talents?
thank you Fiona!
Yay for practice – you're doing it!! I thought of you today and last night b/c I've been sewing these little felt strawberries. It's not that they've stretched me into unfamiliar/unsafe territory like I wrote about in my post, but it's been fun to do something that's playful and not strictly for the purpose of my blog.
Proud of you…keep on learning, Michele!
Oh good for you Charissa! I think play is essential even for us serious grown-ups. ๐
if this can comfort you : you are really better than me in sketching!!! Brava!!!
xxx Alessandra
Alessandra, don't sell yourself short. I bet you are talented!
Definitely practice! ๐ I've had that struggle with style since forever — I've been told by a lecturer (at an interview for a university application… didn't make it in :P) that I am too literal. I think that means I don't use my right brain enough. There isn't enough of me in the artwork, more needs to go in the process. But of course sketching for fun and for realism are both perfectly valid. Style just takes time and experiments. ^^
Thanks for this very insightful comment Aneesah. I like what you've written here and I will definitely try to infuse more of myself into my future sketches. Oh, how exciting to think of it! Thank you thank you!
Just go on. No matter what anybody thinks of it. I belive there will always be a lot of sketches on doesn't like or is not satisfied with. And then you'll have the special moments in between, where you create something you just love. Because it was the moment of the creation, the creation itself, what it means to you, what it shows, what it reveals…
Really, just go on. I love your blog and your work, because you see things in objects which others can't dream of. I love your view of the world because it is different and special and you are able to see beauty and creation in stuff which is so normal or even trash for the rest of the world.
This view will give you a special insight for everything, also for sketching of people. Stop thinking, enjoy it ๐
Thanks Claire, you are so right that the enjoyment and being present in the moment is probably what's most important. So I will keep practicing!
You don't need much practice, by my eye view! Very impressive, especially drawing people, I shy away from that! I like painting with watercolors, still life and landscape. I enjoyed pencil and charcoal in college, but high school was my starting point too, art and crafts classes all four years. It's a great personal outlet, draw for you, for your enjoyment!! Your a very talented person, Michele!!
I think it's amazing, Michele. I've always had a difficult time drawing people. Mine always turn out very cartoony.