A little while ago, I received the following email:
Dear Michele,
Do you have any idea of what to do with old bottle caps, like those of your juice cap ornament, and some like those that come on plastic milk containers? I have at least a few thousand of them and need some ideas! Help!
Whoa there Sande! Did you say “a few thousand”? Tarnation that’s a lot. What is the proper term for a person who passionately collects bottle caps I wonder? I have “capitalist” on the tip of my tongue, but I don’t think that’s quite right… Well, in any case, I put together a few suggestions for you. Hopefully these will help put a dent in your supply.
Idea #1. One, and probably my favourite, idea for reusing plastic bottle caps is to morph them into tiny, cute and useful pincushions. In fact, I’d been meaning to try making one of these for, like, ever. So that’s what I did. I give you (drum roll) my Bottle Cap Pincushion Critter (above)! He was so much fun to design and make. I see many more of these in my future. Learn how to make the basic pinny at Craftstylish.
So that uses up ONE of your bottle caps. Fabulous. What’s next…
Idea #2. You could adorn your fridge in happy/sad/angry bottle cap fridge magnets. Or, if the emotionally fragile craft doesn’t strike your fancy, here’s a somewhat more even-keeled project: a lampshade. Find both at Esprit Cabane.
Idea #3. You’ve seen my juice cap ornament right? As far as bottle cap crafts go, it’s a unique alternative I think. (Shameless self-promotion… Really Michele?)
Idea #4. Sande, do you have kids? Making bottle cap lady bugs might be a neat way to spend a rainy afternoon. Get the details at Crafts by Amanda.
Idea #5. Or, if you’re the slightly more ambitious artsy-type, you could attempt a self-portrait like Mary Ellen Croteau did. That ought to use up a couple caps, eh?
Idea #6. Oh, and I need one of these for my house. When you get a few spare moments, could you maybe make me one?…
Idea #7. And finally, Dollar Store Crafts was asked the very same question back in June 2011. Read all the interesting suggestions in the comments of this handy post.
Edited to Add: Melissa from Those Northern Skies pointed out her sweet bottle cap Christmas trees, and I just had to add them to the list!
There it is Sande. I hope this list gets your crafty juices flowing and helps you on your way. If anyone has any other brainwaves, do pipe up in the comments. I’d love to hear your ideas.
What a sweet little mouse!!! Such an excellent compilation of great ideas.
thanks KJ!
just AWESOME dear Michele…so smart!
che carina!!!!
Thank you both, Khadija and janana!
If she saves all her lids (I do) then she could use them to make cute graphic Christmas trees (like I did), which by the way the girls thought looked like a good stacking game for a baby before I painted them (but I wonder if the smallest caps aren't too little – one would have to check).
I added these to my list. They're just great Melissa!
Cutsie Mousie!
That mouse is adorable! Love the pin whiskers. Great roundup of ideas, Michele 🙂
Thank you Gwen and June. 🙂
hi Michele, I like playing with metallic and plastic cups and I love your style! some pictures here: https://picasaweb.google.com/108371671698608799428/TappiDiPlastica
your earrings are so colourful, rachele! And I adore the little cupcakes you'v made as well. Thanks so much for sharing!
I know… this should be about recycling… but to be honest: I am searching for bottle caps right now! ^^ Love the pincushion critter!
That's just fine Claire. We are here to inspire and motivate. Glad to know it's working. 🙂
Hi Michele, sorry for leaving a comment as a reply. I can’t leave comments on some blogs ever since they changed the comment section with the reply thing. I just don’t get a box to leave a comment in.
However……. I love your cute little mousy pincushion!
thanks Nicolette! so strange about the reply thing. well it works for me if it works for you. 🙂
Michelle, i´m very sorry for my silence… this live! i enjoy your last posts, all of then. Congratulations once more time. Kisses
no worries at all bego. I understand perfectly. it's hard to keep track of EVERYTHING. Do not worry about it one little bit. 🙂 Thanks for visiting!
Que d 'idées !!!!! I love all of them !!!
Hee hee, I do too. 🙂
Wow, this is strange… I left my (reply) comment and now a comment box appears at the bottom.
I don't understand it… Technology… Who knows eh?
Ooh ooh! Fabulous roundup – thanks, Michele! And that mouse is just killing me with cuteness! The whiskers! Heeheehee.
Thanks Michelle, I'm a little bit in love with him…
I enjoyed reading this, Michele. And you should never apologize for self-promotion when it's so appropriately done!
You're right of course Charissa, thanks for the reminder. 🙂
Just wanted to mention that school teachers are always, always looking for craft material. Donating caps along with ideas for use might be welcomed by some grade school teachers.
That's true Pam, very good point.
I'm just amazed at all the resourcefulness and creativity out there!
I know what you mean. Plus, that such a lowly thing can actually become beautiful. That always gets me.
Michele, an absolute gem as always. I love reading your blog and seeing your ideas so I've nominated you for the versatile blogger award so others can enjoy too. Sam xx
Sam, that is so nice of you to say (and do). Thank you so much. 🙂
Love your critter pincushion, so cute!, been kind of obsessed with milk and juice bottle top crafting recently, I have more pincushion than I could shake a pin at but I've used them for mini embroidery hoops too. Hope you don't mind me leaving my link 😉
Wonderful idea, I am so inspired! A good way to use up some of the old felt stash.