I’ve started work on the collection of things that desperately need makeovers. Here is the first piece. It’s a mirror.
The mirror story. Unfortunately, I do not have a “before” photograph of the mirror. Imagine, if you will, a chocolate-brown version of the pure white one below. I bought the chocolate-brown, 24-inch (60 cm) diameter mirror six-ish years ago, hugely discounted at our local Pier 1 Imports. I didn’t like it when I bought it. It was the roundness combined with the cheapness that made me do it. Had it been square, I never would have bought the thing. But, as I was into round things at the time of purchase, it fit the bill. I forked over the dough, and left with a looking-glass for which I harboured very little fondness.
Fast-forward to a year ago-ish. I gave the mirror several coats of white paint as above. Still, I didn’t love it. Oh, it was okaaay… But it didn’t speak to me. It had no “oomph”. Disheartened, I left it. Until this past Wednesday.
This past Wednesday, I couldn’t take it anymore. I broke out my acrylic paints. Painted all the dots and divets. Stained it with a black stain. Sanded it by hand. Repainted some of the dots and divets. Applied a second layer of stain. Nothing worked. Out of frustration, I took the power sander to it. It was a bold move. But it needed doing.
The sander gave it an edge. A warm patina. Which is more like it! Now I have a mirror that I appreciate. It’s playful, it’s swank. You know, I actually really like how it turned out. Is there a lesson here? Don’t give up maybe? There’s potential in everything perhaps? Definitely. These are lessons I keep having to re-learn but what good lessons they are. I am glad I kept the mirror. And now, there’s only one like it in the world. Bo-nus!
Alrighty, well I’m off. Have yourself a weekend of delights. I’ll see you Monday!
This post linked to The Shabby Nest’s Frugal Friday!
This is so cool. At first glance I thought you had glued on beads… I can't believe it's paint! Have a great weekend, Michele.
Michele, it's very cool! The colorful dots actually look like little gems in that picture. I love the photo too with all the white within the mirror. I can't wait to see the next installment on your room redo!
I like very very much this mirror! it´s great with the colours!
and i´m eager to see the room in white. Kisses
it was me! bego (baulartesanodebego)
Entirely different look, great job on this. I can't wait to see your other projects. Have a wonderful weekend Michele.
a beautiful transformation.
You know me and white (love!) but this turned out really fun!! Have a great weekend!
Hey my dear…This is one of my favorite post on your blog, it has turned out amazing.loveeeee ittttttt 🙂 thanks for sharing!!!
Wow! Your mirror turned out great! I'm impressed that you would take a power sander to it- way to go! It reminds me of some of the modern paintings I've seen where the artist's grind down the layers of paint with power sanders. I've always wanted to try that out, but alas- I have no power sander, yet.
This reminds me of an Egyptian collar and it is lovely! Your instincts were right on target!
I love it!!! It's gorgeous!!!
This turned out great. I really love the end result. What a process it was for you – glad you stuck it out.
Hi Michelle,
I came here via your comment on the Crafty Crow where I shared an accordion book based on the book – 'A Saggy Baggy Elephant'.
The new look of this mirror is so unlike the old one. The colour dots actually look like gems embedded. Hats off to you for your persistence. Yes, what a great lesson in not giving up.
I must say I thought of Egyptian collars (just as Martha did) the minute I saw it! It's fantastic!
Don't you love it when you keep trying and something really cool comes out of it!!
I love the color play! And I esp. love the way the outside edge (rim? perimeter?) is all sanded off. Are the paints iridescent? They are so shimmery!
Power sander. That's the ticket.
Great work Michelle! It's definitely more you now. colourful and unique 🙂
NOW THAT IT A MIRROR!!! Too flippin cool. And the multicolor polka dots give it such a whimsical touch. The power sander was a nice touch too –I just love my sander. Its almost as cathartic as the shredder….
Good work girlie!!!
Anne said: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! I wish you'd made many so I could have one!!!
ooo I likey, I love round mirrors. I wonder if I can conjure up a lovely one to refurbish?
ALACAZAM!!! …hmmm, I will try again later.
Beautiful! I love it! 🙂