I received an interesting email the other day from a bloggy friend, Kapila. Here is her letter, edited for brevity:
Dear Michele,I’m sure you’ve come across these before. They are made out of strips of paper laid 90° to one another, and folded over, a concept similar to the paper chains you made. I’ve only ever used these to decorate our Norfolk Island pine (which doubles as a living Christmas tree in December!) as they are light and lovely. But after seeing your imaginative recycled crafts, I wondered what you would do with these paper chains besides make garlands out of them. Yes, I did wonder: WWMD? (What would Michele do?)
Many thanks for looking, Michele!
Thanks so much for your letter, Kapila.
What would I do, indeed. Hmm. It’s a quandary. Well I could probably think of something. Eventually. But let me turn the question over to you, dear reader. A little interaction sound like fun? What would YOU suggest I do with Kapila’s lovely paper chains? Any ideas? Any fantastical inventions spring to mind? Let’s hear ’em!
Have a lovely day!
I think you could try a cursive font.
An elaborate child's spring wreath with lots of paper flowers, then a necklace and a bracelet and as a top challenge I would throw in a circle skirt! Ha! What do you think Michele?
Ok. Now the image of the skirt is haunting me! I'll be stuck with it all day!!
KJ, I really love that idea…
make pop up cards for mothers day or fathers day ?
yes its really interesting,i think it will look more smart if you wrap n paste it around any card box..it will be unique..isnt it?
As Kelly O. suggested, I always used them for pop ups in cards before little sticky foam pads were available!
I've seen them used as little wreaths on cards – when I was a kid I used ribbon and made them as bracelets.
It was in my mind to use them for one of my one-hundred snowmen (before she ever posed the question). 😉
We always made those chains for Christmas decorations…. they make me think of legs… lots of legs…. and bugz.. spiders and lizards and things….
the cursive font idea is delicious…
Necklaces! Belts!
Make a mobile with a coat hander and paper butterflies and use these instead of string.
These make aswesome frog tongues for kid made paper frogs.
Make r-e-a-l-l-y skinny ones and try to knot or crochet them.
Headbands? with a paper rosette?
Hi..glad you liked the loo roll variations lol…going to hang the Christmas ring l made on the newly decorated craft room wall over my desk l think..still love the idea a lot
Loving the embroidery too…inspirational as always
I'll be giving the paper chain a thought or two a rainbow coloured one for the roof of the craft room!
Hugs Suz x
I was thinking if you cut them into shorter lengths they would look very cute one end taped in the middle of a gift wrapped present with a bow in the middle.
Cut them a length they can be made into a circle and slip on plastic drinking glasses for a quick idea to spruce up the cups for a party
Ann Flowers
Robot Book Ends.. Or Crazy alien bookends… I'm seeing a box with legs and arms…
Hi Michele, when I was a kid I made them into snakes by painting eyes and mouth on one end and tie a colorful rag on the other end as tail. This is a great game, love it! Hugs Nat