Or should I say sick and sicker and sickest. All three of us are sick. And by that I don’t mean “cool”. I mean barking-cough-nasty-phlegm-spewing–headpounding-violent-chills-and-body-pain SICK. Limbs have yet to fall off. So that’s good. The doctor seemed to think that Lo has influenza. The boy tested positive for strep throat. And me? Well, there wasn’t room for me on the roster today. My case was the least severe of the three. That waiting room was stuffed to the runny noses with contagion. Yikes. I am, however, exhibiting symptoms more like what Lo has: chills, headache, fever, cough. Not the dry hacking cough the Boy has. Ah yes, we are a pleasant bunch. I’m sorry to announce that it’s going to be a short post today. I will, fingers-crossed, be back tomorrow with something crafty. Maybe virulent too. That’s a combination I have yet to try. Now that sounds like good times…
Until then, you have yourself a fine evening!
Oh no, poor you (plural). Yet, in your sickness, you took an amazing picture of your guys. I hope you all feel well soon. The flu is nothing to mess around with. It landed me in the hospital one year. Drink a lot of fluids!
Yucky, yucky! Hope you all feel better soon!
Oh I hope you get better soon. I had a flu shot a couple of weeks ago, so I figure my bout was just a head cold. It felt pretty rough for a good 5 days.
Get better soon!! (all of you).
Oh nooooo! Michele, this will not do at all!
Sending you vapo rub and chicken soup!
Get well soon!
oh help Michele…so sorry to hear you are all so poorly…hoping it's all over asap and you all get back to fighting fit quickly
Just added you as a link to my blog only had time yesterday to make a couple of flowers but plan to spend the whole day today making lots and lots….if you manage a peek you'll see l plan on using them in a lot of projects for Christmas and can't thank you enough for the inspiration
Big Hug(at a distance hehe) get well soon
Suz x
I've only just found your blog and just wanted to say …..wow. Really sorry to hear you're all poorly and hope you are all soon bright eyed and bushy tailed again.
You have shared some really lovely crafty projects. I will be back again soon.
A x
Keep warm and cosy Michelle! Hope it doesn't last too long.
Oh, that's brrrr…..! Hope you all get better soon!
Oh poor you. Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hugs.
Get well soon. That's the trouble with the doctor's waiting room, if you're not ill when you get there you will be when you leave…
Louise x
Oh my!! That sucks!! Wishing you all get better soon!!
For the cough, I can tell you that if you put a onion cut in half, by your bedside it'll stop it!
So sorry you are all unwell , this is called sharing 🙂 , hope you get better soon … Tisanes , tisanes ….
Oh no!! I hope you all feel better soon. I love that photo. It's gorgeous!!
Oh no!! I hope you all feel better real soon!
Oh gosh, we've been like that up until recently.. yuk! I hope you are all feeling a little better now 🙂
I read the posts backwards-I hope you are all on the mend!!
I hope you will be fine soon.
Arh Michele i so hope you are all feeling well very soon xx ;-(