Today, I spent the whole day with my baby sister, Ariane. Over the course of the last 2 years she has learned to sew and quilt, and for a little over a year and a half she has authored a delightful quilting blog known as Ariane’s Crafts. Ariane is a completely self-taught quilter, who is unafraid of new techniques. She has recently begun writing her own patterns. And the great thing is, she uses an old White sewing machine to do all her machine and free-motion quilting. So, as the owner of an even-older White sewing machine (a.k.a. Betty), I was super-excited when she called me up last week and organized a free-motion and fusible-web quilting lesson, techniques I’ve never tried!
She arrived at 9 am this morning bearing her fabric scraps, sewing machine, thread, fusible web, cutting mat, rotary cutter, scissors, the whole she-bang! See, here’s a couple of the scraps she brought.
After a torturous jaunt to one of our local quilt shops (Don’t worry I didn’t buy A SINGLE thing due to Stashbusting September…), we got down to business.
Ariane made two mini-quilts and I made one. SO MUCH FUN! Here they are!
Below is the back of her first quilt. Look at that quilting. See that free-motion stippling? She did that with a low-shank darning foot and her old White sewing machine! Pretty, eh? I think that aqua thread in the middle there is brilliant!
And below is the start of her second mini. Our little house in the woods. That’s the house we grew up in. I’m in there but you can’t see me ’cause I’m hiding. I’m shy like that.
And last, but not least, here is my very first use of fusible web and my virgin attempt at free-motion quilting!!!
I call it “Moms and Tots”.
I used fusible web to appliqué all of those little circles and ovals as per Ariane’s directions.
I pieced the back using some of those delicious scraps…
And then she taught me to quilt free-motionally with my old White sewing machine and her darning foot!!! You don’t know how exciting this was. But let me tell you. IT WAS ECK-SIGH-TING! Hee hee!
I LOVE the look of the crazy free-motion quilting on there.
Free-motion quilting, you haven’t seen the last of me!
Just gotta go buy me some fusible web and one of those darn feet! I mean, darning feet.
Thank you so much Ariane, you have opened my sheltered little world to a whole new creative realm. I cannot thank you enough. My hero, once again! xox
And you, I hope you have yourself a great day!
I am so envious!!! Sounds like the two of you had an awesome day and the projects you worked on are beautiful! Love, Love, Love the free-motion quilting and fusible web day!
What a fun day you had! and made some really great little quilts!
It was so much fun!!! I just loved that we just jumped right in and let the creativity flow. It was very satisfying and energizing. I can't wait to do it again. There are still all those beautiful scraps to get through. LOL!!!
What does a darning foot look like? These turned out great. All three of them are wonderful.
That sounds like such a fun day! Free motion quilting will be right up your alley, no doubt!
I just awarded you!!
Sounds like a lovely fun day full of creativity. You two are lucky to have each other and have this creative side in common. Nice work!!
I really like your work on the Moms and tots piece. Lovely design!
La créativité , c 'est de famille … Mais je n 'ai pas tout compris : fusible web ????? vous avez utilisé de la toile thermocollante ?????
I understand how you feel , there are so many things to learn , and to try …. Well rainy day here , and I am trying to – at last tidy my workroom , no more excuses …. I am looking forward to seeing the new things you'll make 😉
Yours is so great! Can't believe that's the first time you ever did it – it looks so intentional, you know? Like you knew exactly where each line was going to go. Your lil sis is way talented, I was bowled over by the intricacy of those swirlies.
Moms and tots is amazing – such beatiful shapes. All that in one day ! Yikes !
That was great Michele, you have created a monster (good monster) in Ariane and she came up with many gorgeous quilts and quilting. Well done to both
May I have your sister? I would love a sister to craft with 😀
Your projects turned out so special, love those squiggly stitches and the colours used. I'm just starting my own very first quilt. I'm going to head over to your sisters blog 😀
You are so creative!! I also love your knobs. The selfportraits of you are very nice at your blog, very sympathetic!
Love these! I am excited to check out all of your other goodies too!